Please be advised that at this point in time, we are not currently taking new cases. There may be openings for virtual appointments. If you would like to contact Alice for more information, please email (alicebelgrade@comcast.net) or text (773-407-1121).
Led by Alice Belgrade(-Moss), BCBA, our private practice is dedicated to helping children and their families create happier, healthier relationships. As behavior analysts, we apply research-based interventions with proven results. Our philosophy is grounded in the principles of behaviorism and in the tenets of applied behavior analysis. We offer home and office-based consultation and coaching to improve behavior. We have been providing expertise to schools and families for over 25 years. We specialize in working with children with special needs, including Autism, Down Syndrome, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Anxiety, and some rare neurological and genetic conditions. We have a team, directed by Erica Schwab, that has an outstanding record of successfully toilet training children with developmental and medical challenges. Check out our potty training division, The Potty People.
Phone: 773-407-1121
Email: alicebelgrade@comcast.net